
Monday, March 15, 2010

aiden's birth story and more

yes it is time for an update - and now since aiden is actually sleeping somewhere OTHER than mine or adam's arms - i can do it!

some info may be TMI - i apologize in advance :)

so friday, march 5th adam and i left the house around 5:30pm and went to eat dinner at IHOP (i really couldn't eat much - even though i knew i needed to - i was too nervous!) and then we went to the hospital to be induced. so i got checked in and relaxed in the labor/delivery/recovery room (LDR) they gave me some stuff to thin my cervix - which would also help start my contractions. after 3 hours i would get another dose - as long as i wasn't contracting too bad and then around 6am they were going to start the pitocin. well i was contracting too much (although i couldn't feel it) so they just went ahead and gave me the pitocin around 5am... and eventually i was finally able to feel the contractions - i got my epidural (which i was terrified to get) but it really wasn't bad at all! and then i was good to go! sometime around 5:00pm (i think) i really felt like i needed to push - so my nurse had me do a couple of practice pushes to see how it would go and thought that we might be able to get somewhere... so dr. pickens came in and check me out and said lets start pushing....

this is when things started to get difficult - i did a lot of pushing and aiden was getting his head into the right position - but then turned a little too far - his head was too big - eventually i think i had all the LDR nurses in my room trying to help me push him out. i pushed for an hour and dr. pickens came back to try to help and aiden's head just wasn't positioned right... then he gave me the news - i was gonna have to have a c-section because there was no way that his head was coming out... so i got all set up and headed to the operating room... and i was terrified! but knew that this was the best for both of us.

it was FREEZING in there! they had country music playing which was actually kind of nice - and well - at 6:45pm on saturday, march 6th aiden stiles turner was born... the funny thing - when he was born rodney atkins song "watching you" was playing! very appropriate! his cry was the most beautiful sound! once he was crying adam looked up - a little too early. (haha - sorry baby) the c-section really wasn't as bad as i was worried about - and it was nice change after all of that pushing!

adam got to go watch them clean him up and swaddle him and then he brought him over to me and i got to give him kisses and just look at him - he was beautiful!

so i had to go back to my LDR room and aiden had to go to the nursery to get all cleaned up and all the other things they needed to do. adam went back into the nursery for a little and then came back and ran out to mcdonalds to get me something to eat - it had been about 24 hours since i had anything to eat (except for ice chips!)

after about an hour i got to go to my postpartum room - and aiden was waiting for me! he had to feed right away because his blood sugar was low and they didn't want to just give him sugar water. adam, aiden and i all stayed in the same room and it was nice!

we had to stay at the hospital until tuesday - we both had some great nurses and all and all i had a good experience.

we did have to go back to the hospital wednesday, thursday and friday to check his bilirubin levels. he needs to be below a 10 and he got up to a 15.5 and on friday he finally went down to at 13.8. friday we also had his first pediatrician appointment and everything looked good and we go back this friday.

breast feeding is going okay - and that's all i have to say about that...

sometimes i just can't believe that i had a little boy - that he's my son and i'm now a mom - it kinda seems surreal.


  1. I"m so happy for you. Congrats on breast feeding. It's a really hard job, but so wonderful. I think it's great that the three of you could share a room. They sent Scott home each night. Savor every single second - even the tiring ones....and kiss him as much as you can. One day, you won't be cool. (((hugs))))

  2. Congrats again! I'm sorry you had to have a c-section, but I agree that they're really not too bad. And CONGRATS on breastfeeding! Every little bit is amazing feat & I applaud you! If you have any questions, concerns or anything, please feel free to contact me. I have a lot of great resources I'd love to share! :o)
