
Friday, July 24, 2009

1st Ultrasound!

okay so we FINALLY had our first ultrasound today!!

our little sunshine is 8 weeks and 2 days old! (s)he measures in at 1.8cm and the heartbeat measured in at 174 beats per minute.
here are the pictures...

baby is from arrow to arrow

this is when we heard the heartbeat!
the two little lines in the middle of the sac is where the heart is!

(s)he is due on march 3, 2010

our next appt. is wednesday, august 19, 2009!! :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

ultrasound rescheduled

so the doctors office called at 10:15 this morning and my FNP had an emergancy and can not see me today!!!

rescheduled for 8:30 tomorrow morning! so at least we don't have to wait all day....

hopefully we will have a real update tomorrow - with a picture!

Monday, July 13, 2009

monday, monday

well it feels like these 2 weeks are dragging... and because i cannot wait - THAT is why it is taking forever!

haven't had any morning sickness as of yet... but i have had some nausea - but not actually getting sick.

i have finished 1 pregnancy book so far - The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy and now i am reading What to Expect When You're Expecting. the girlfriends guide was really funny!

the countdown to back to school has begun - 15 days (and that is including weekends) until we are back to school... lets see how long i can keep this a secret at school..... who knows - what with our "shopping" trips (aka - happy hour)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

First Post 6-7 weeks

we had our first doctors appointment today!! she said that i'm about 6-7 weeks... we will know more when i have my first ultrasound in 2 weeks! as of right now - no "morning" sickness (yay)

i got a lot of my questions answered - oh and my F.N.P. is also pregnant with her first!

nothing much else to report on right now... yes we have been telling family and close friends - so here is what we will use to help keep everyone informed! keep checking - i will do my best to keep this up-to-date!