
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

40 week doctors appointment!

so i spent all weekend trying to bring on labor on my own - did a lot of unpacking, bouncing on my yoga ball, ate labor cookies and other spicy food, etc. - nothing happened! so on monday night adam and i went out to eat at provino's and i had their eggplant parmesan - also said to bring on labor within 48 hours.

we had our 40 week appt. today - i'm only dilated a little more than a centimeter!! so basically NO PROGRESS! we also had a growth ultrasound... aiden looks great! but he's big... according to the ultrasound he is weighing in at around 9lbs 1oz - although the tech said that what she measures is usually bigger - so her guess is that he's about 8.5lbs.

dr. pickens walked in and said "are you sure you don't want to induce?" i told him that - yeah, we are leaning that way! he says - well i'm on call friday! so we scheduled my induction for friday night - we go to the hospital at 8pm! i really don't know how i'm gonna make it through these next few days... at least i have work on wednesday and thursday - but i'm sure friday is going to drag! what am i supposed to do for those 12+ hours!?!?