
Monday, October 19, 2009


i know... it's taken me a while to update this... i was waiting to get my pictures scanned - but i'm going to go ahead and update - and post pictures later...

so the tech asked if we had any guesses... i told her that i thought that it was a girl... and then she asked me - "do you see that 3rd leg right there?" i didn't see it at first - adam saw it right away! things were really well - he was laying on his back and he was breech... so i had to walk around a bit to get him to shift a little so the tech could finish getting his measurements. she said that everything looked good - he measures in (from head to bottom) 14.75 cm and weighs 14 oz (just shy of 1 lb) the heart rate was 148 bpm. adam and i are both very excited!

stay tuned... u/s pictures will follow as soon as i get them scanned! :)