
Saturday, December 31, 2011

a year in review

I sit here and watch aiden playing and I just can't believe what a year has brought. He has grown so much and it is amazing all that he is doing.

He is talking so much (I'm gonna try to not repeat what I put before - but I can't promise) some of his words and phrases are: here, please, help me, woah, eww, more, apple, boots, ear, eyes, blocks, ball, Elmo, sit, play, book, bath, eee-ya (I think he is saying hi-ya), thank you, cheese, ow (which he then proceeds to get a kiss for his boo-boo), night-night, yay, mine, no, waffles

He likes to sing along with jingle bells - he'll even say some of the words with you - like bells and way - and when we pause for the 'hey' part he will say it - same for the laughing all the way - he'll go 'hahaha' and when you ask him what Santa says he'll say 'ho ho ho'.

He still is a very picky eater - bread, pizza (although i can get him to eat green peppers on a pizza!), cheese, banana, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, sometimes he'll eat apples, eggs, pancakes, waffles.

Sometimes he is able to tell me when he has to potty - or just after he went. He actually peed in his potty today while waiting to take a bath. So I think we'll be potty training soon!

One thing that he has learned this year that I'm not too happy about is hitting and fighting. I know he hasn't learned that at home and I totally think that is from day care.

The hardest part of this year was having Adam gone for half of it. I get to talk to him every day and Aiden usually gets to talk to him on the weekends. I'm very excited for him to come home in 16 days!!

I hope everyone has a fabulous 2012!

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