
Friday, July 29, 2011


what an evening.... i picked up aiden from day care and we went to Kroger to get groceries (we had no food in our house!) well - we made it about half way through the store before the huge fit began... i tried to calm him with snacks (didn't work) so we made a bee line for the checkout.

yes i was that mom with the screaming baby in the grocery store

yes i was that woman who when through the express line with WAY MORE than 15 items (i was in a hurry to get out) i couldn't just leave without getting groceries....

we got home and everything was okay - well the tantrum started again and it lasted about 30 minutes - i let him know that i was there if he needed me - and i also ignored (which he follows me - but doesn't want me to pick him up or console him - it's weird) once he was done he grabbed his sippy cup and drank his milk - when he was done with that he crawled up into my lap - we eventually went back to get ready for bed and tantrum #3 began... still hates changing diapers and clothes... but once we were done he calmed down quickly. and we brushed his teeth and then he was ready to sleep...

i just pray this milestone doesn't last too long!

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