
Saturday, May 21, 2011

let's talk about aiden

it's been a long time - but i've been trying to hold off posting some important information until it happened... and it still hasn't - but i know it's coming... so sorry - you'll have to wait a little more for that - until it is official!

let's talk about aiden!!

all i can say is WOW! so much has changed since this little man has turned 1! he is really growing up... i'm going to try to list all the new stuff that is going on in this little man's life - it will not be in any particular order whatsoever...
  • he LOVES to brush his teeth! which is great news - every night before bed i brush his teeth first with the little finger brush and then he brushes his teeth with this cool toothbrush we got from the dentist.
  • he gives kisses - sometimes, even when you ask. this has also become a night time ritual - after he is done brushing he will look up to whoever his rocking him with his mouth open to give a kiss. (after this he has been reaching for his crib - he's ready to go to bed!)
  • he is such a climber! there is no safe place in the house now it seems - as of today he can climb up on our couch on his own. he loves to climb up and slide down (which he knows how to do the safe way - feet first, on his belly)
  • he understands what we are saying and it is so cool. like when we ask for a kiss or today i asked him to get his ball - he brought me his ball.
  • he has taken to mimicking - as soon as he sees us doing something new he tries to do it. i think my favorite is when he "blows his nose" if he gets ahold of a tissue or wipe he will hold it up to his nose and blow with his mouth to make the noise. he also does this when we use a tissue to wipe his nose.
  • he is loving music - some of his favorite songs are - twinkle twinkle little star, itsy bitsy spider, and 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed. he also tries to do the motions that i do for the songs.
  • he loves to read! this one makes me really happy - most of the time when we are playing i spend a lot of time reading different books.
  • he loves it outside - its the one place that will always calm him down when he is upset.
now for 2 things that i don't really like...
  • he isn't talking - like using real words. he always babbles and makes sounds but no real words. we think is his saying "dada" for "doggy" so now we have started to just say "dog" at times he will say something that kind of sounds like "bye bye" but not all the time.
  • he is throwing some MAJOR temper tantrums! like all out - throw his body on the floor - kicking and screaming tantrums. i didn't think this came on until a little later in life.
okay i think thats all for tonight... i promise i'll try to do a little better at keeping this up to date!

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