
Sunday, January 16, 2011

medical frustration

aiden was running a fever last night - about 102.3... we gave him some motrin and put him to bed - we would see how it was in the morning... he woke up around midnight - i took his temp again and it was down to 99.5... but since he still had a fever i gave him some tylenol... and he went back to bed - well he woke up around 5:30am - he had a fever - 102... so we decided that i would take him to urgent care when they opened up at 9am

well they checked his tubes and they were fine and then they did the flu test and it came back positive... all i was told was to watch to make sure he doesn't have trouble breathing - well around 1:00 his temp had rose to 103 - i gave him tylenol and we laid down for a nap - we woke up at 3:00 burning up... his fever had gone up to 104.1 - so i called urgent care and told them how i was there this AM and wanted to know if this was normal - they had a nurse call me back and she told me that i had to take him to the ER - that he will need fluids and it is so dangerous for him to have a fever like that when he is this little. so i called adam and he came home and got us so we could go to the ER.

we check in... they check his temp, weight, oxygen and ask all the questions about why we were there... then we do the usual ER waiting - and then we finally make it to the back - get asked the same questions - and then told that everything was fine - he has the flu and Tamiflu doesn't really do anything... it just treats the symptoms - most people don't take it because it's so expensive (yeah - learned that today) and that he's going to run a high fever while he is fighting off the flu - give him tylenol and motrin to keep the fever down (doing that) - give him lots of fluids (doing that) - and watch for lack of liquids (saliva - pee - chapped lips - no tears when crying) if you see that - thats when he needs to come back. That'll be $200 - thank you.

that being said - besides having the high fever - you wouldn't really know he was sick - he doesn't act much differently when he's sick - he is still goofy and wants to play and laugh. he is doing well (for the most part) just a little cranky -and cuddly!

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