
Friday, July 29, 2011


what an evening.... i picked up aiden from day care and we went to Kroger to get groceries (we had no food in our house!) well - we made it about half way through the store before the huge fit began... i tried to calm him with snacks (didn't work) so we made a bee line for the checkout.

yes i was that mom with the screaming baby in the grocery store

yes i was that woman who when through the express line with WAY MORE than 15 items (i was in a hurry to get out) i couldn't just leave without getting groceries....

we got home and everything was okay - well the tantrum started again and it lasted about 30 minutes - i let him know that i was there if he needed me - and i also ignored (which he follows me - but doesn't want me to pick him up or console him - it's weird) once he was done he grabbed his sippy cup and drank his milk - when he was done with that he crawled up into my lap - we eventually went back to get ready for bed and tantrum #3 began... still hates changing diapers and clothes... but once we were done he calmed down quickly. and we brushed his teeth and then he was ready to sleep...

i just pray this milestone doesn't last too long!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

an update...

aiden is growing up SO FAST! he is trying so hard to talk... we're basically getting the first syllable of words - he wants to do EVERYTHING for himself - he helps to undress and get dressed (with his shirt) - he tries to put his socks and shoes on

day care said that he spent a good portion of the day today in ms. laci's room - she said as long as i am okay with it, she would like to start transitioning him. once the bigger kids move up to the prek room - he'll move up! my big boy!! i also asked how he has been doing so far this week (you know - since adam has been gone) and she said he is doing great! and that he is becoming much more independent at school and he wants to help all the time.

adam is doing well - he is enjoying himself and working hard. if anyone wants his mailing address - just let me know! hopefully i'll get some pictures to post up soon!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

our big news

now for something that i have been holding off on talking about on here. i wanted to wait to see if it was going to go through...

this wednesday (july 6th) adam is leaving for blount island in florida. he is going for training and then on sunday (july 10th) he will drive to camp lejeune in jacksonville, nc and he'll be there all week. and then on saturday (july 16th) he will fly out to dubai and spend the night there and then he'll head to afghanistan. he is going over there to be a civilian contractor and he'll be doing the exact same job he did in the marine corps (diesel mechanic) working for the marine corps as a civilian.

he will be overseas for about 6 months at a time and then he will come home for a couple weeks and we are looking at him doing 2 years over there... it'll be 2 years for the rest of our lives.

please keep him in your thoughts and prayers - and i will keep you all updated as well.

Vacation 2011

we spent a week in south carolina for our vacation and had a BLAST! this was the first time that aiden went to the beach and got to walk around and play in the sand and water....

he LOVED the water! he actually fell face first into a wave and thought it was the best thing in the world and kept running into the water.

we also got to meet cousin ryland for the first time - aiden did really well playing with him!

aiden comes from a long line of marines - so we thought it would be cute to take him to the yellow footprints on parris island and get a picture!

and here we are on the waterfront in downtown beaufort! someone was ready for his nap!

we were very busy - aiden loved being outside (no surprise there) and loved the water - we went swimming a couple times and he loved the water - he's our little fish. grammy and poppy bought him a little pool and sandbox for the house and aiden loved it all.

adam and i also took a day trip to savannah which was nice. i've been wanting to go there for a while - it is so beautiful!

we ended our week with a 4th of july party (on july 1st!) and we had a great time! adam and i left on saturday morning and aiden is still in SC with his grandparents. it was really hard to leave him - but i know that i will be able to get a lot done in this week and a half that he is gone.